Wednesday, January 13, 2010 — Comparative grocery shopping

A while back I applied for a writing position with a British company called .
Unfortunately for them, they didn't hire me.......but I still liked their service. As a real food lover and sometimes chef, I appreciate finding quality food at low prices. If I can avoid the hassles of shopping...even better. In short, they provide British shoppers a comparative shopping experience where they can find the best price from 4 different supermarkets...all on one website. The following is what I had originally written as a marketing writing sample for them.....and I trust that you British folks will appreciate both the content and the Queen's English. It should provide a good overview of what they offer with some good links to key points on their site.

More and more shoppers are buying their groceries online instead of going to the supermarket. Shopping online is quick and easy, with no need to maneuver overloaded trolleys or wait in long queues. Save yourself the hassle of carrying heavy groceries home by using the affordable and reliable delivery service. Even the temptation to buy things you don’t need is minimised when shopping online.

Recently, mySupermarket together with Martin Lewis of, introduced the Downshift Challenge to the British public. To see how it works, simply visit and fill an online trolley with all your favourite products. The challenge shows just how much you can save by “downshifting” or choosing similar products that are one or two brand levels lower (e.g. buying a no-frills brand instead of a manufacturer’s brand).

I also wrote an email blast for them as follows:

Dear Bloke, (that's not what I really wrote in the original)

Are you interested in taking control of your grocery shopping and getting the best value for your money? Would saving hundreds of £££s every year increase your financial freedom? Do you want more free time for your leisure activities?
If you are nodding your head to these questions, then visit to see how easy it is to save money and time when you shop. Compare prices on your favourite products at leading supermarkets TESCO, ASDA, Sainsbury’s and OCADO, all from the comfort of your home.
At mySupermarket you can shop with confidence, knowing that you are getting the best value for your money. View this short demo to discover how.



Despite the management's error in not hiring me, I wish them luck and really think they got something really good going on.

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